We only visited this orphanage once, and only for a couple of hours. Yet that short amount of time was all it took to have a blast with some great kids while my deep admiration for Chinese Christians only continued to grow. Believers in China are so selfless and servant-hearted that it was sometimes embarrassing for me that we were introduced as missionaries, since believers in China were themselves so active in ministry and service.
In the west, being a Christian can sometimes be a radical lifestyle of faith, service, and the supernatural; unfortunately, it can often be strikingly similar to a non-believer's lifestyle (with Sunday morning being the main/only difference). In China, however, being a Christian is in itself a risky decision. Yet in spite of that risk, or perhaps because of it, I witnessed a very active Church in China putting their faith into practice by sharing the Gospel, serving the poor, caring for orphans, and experiencing God's supernatural power.
Not only were the children we visited full of joy, they were also well-versed in Bible passages, worship songs, and were all very disciplined, respectful, and obedient. I believe they will grow up to be productive members of their society that will bless their neighbors, communities, and nation. These kids were being loved, cared for, and trained in the ways of the Lord, all because a handful of Chinese believers took seriously what the Bible taught about caring for orphans, loving their neighbors, and serving others sacrificially. I was amazed to see such faith in action. And although our short interaction through a balloon sword fight and some other games may not have affected the kids that much, it was hugely impactful for me. It was a great and humbling reminder of the radical love and service that Jesus calls his followers to embrace, and it was a privilege to witness the fruit of the faith and obedience of my Chinese brothers and sisters in Christ manifest in the lives of these children.
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